Monday 28 March 2011

Postmodernist Task

Post modernism, a is the rejection of modernist ideologies, focusing more greatly on the appearances of a piece of design, rather than staying structure to functionality, layout and clarity in message. Postmodernism is also a about experimentation with a variety of medias and style with in one piece, as well as destroying boundaries between high culture and everyday life.  Its this this that I will be analyzing in these 5 images.

(Wolfgang Weingart, Grotesk, 1981)

This is an early piece of postmodernist design, the designer is starting to question legibility and the previously, set in stone layout of modernist design.

 (J.Reid, God Save The Queen, 1977)

For this CD cover, the designer used a combination of materials, and combined styles, something that is typical of postmodernism. The text is not set out in a structured manner, which suggest postmodernism. 

(Dan Friedman. (1971) 'Typografische Monatsblatter')

This piece to me suggests postmodernism, for the ornamentation of the piece, it also a show erratic seemingly spontaneous typographic layout. 

(Rice, J (1979) Black Flag Gig Poster)

the reason for me choosing this piece is due to its m=punk like qualities, use of different serif and san serif fonts, suggesting a piece from modernist ideologies. It shows a coming together of different styles, typical of postmodernism. 
(Katherine McCoy, the graduate program in design,1989)

This a piece of deconstructive design, however this is all part of the postmodern era, with unstructured layouts for the text. Questioning legibility. typical of postmodernism. 

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