Thursday, 1 March 2012



aim being humanity a global village.. equality, harmony.
there is not global integration.. the media may almost of de sensitised the global community.

Anti capitalism is emerging- people are coming together to untie against capitalism, creating an anti community.

"does globalisation make people around the world more alike or more different"t... Manfred B steger.

Cultural imperialism-herbert schiller..
 forcing your culture on other people.. forcing people to have your values.. etc.

Mass media is the vehicle for wester cultural imperialism.. it legitimises it..
the global village is being corrupted by the super powers, through cultural imperialism..
Is this just evolution of a country??

With globalisation, one persons or one companies ideologies on the world get portrayed globally- time warner... own huge amounts the media..

global power is thought to be a new form of imperialism by schiller.

the media system functions like a giant system of propaganda.. for western capitalism .. chomsky... chosmky argues,, that if you take the news.. 5 categories can prove that the news takes advantaged of this bias.. these are ownership.. funding.. sourcing.. flak... anti communist ideologies-

Rupert Murdouch is a a prime example of ownership, the sun.. wins elections.

sourcing.. the information you receive is only as good as the events your allowed to record...heckling barack obama wouldn't work.

global warming- energy you tube- carbon dioxide.

inconvenient truth.. he says its a moral not a political issue(al gore)

within capitalism there is nothing ever truly sustainable...
greenwashing.. most people no global warming is true... companies brand themselves as ego friendly.. the media is used to green themselves..

sustainability.. is impossible.. under a capitalist model.. as expansion in inevitable..

ecologist.. the deep green movement, the only way to save the plant is to total over through the capitalist system we have in place now.

the internet gives people the opportunity to connect with each other.. global village.

We are the 99% great strap line.

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