- Bison And Horses 15000 - 10000 bc
- Everything is a form of communication
- John Everett millais, Bubbles.
- 1922 William addison Dwiggins.
- Definition of Design
- Herbert Spencer - Mechanized art.
- Steven Heller 1995 - Graphic Designers are trying to prove that they are not a result of capitalism.
- Doing good for society instead of selling sit.
- Art Deco..Alphonse mucha 1899
- The early stages of GD was a mixture of disciplines between art and design.
- Peter Behrens
- Julius Gipkons
- El Liisitsky - Beat the whites
- F.H - Stingemore - London Underground.
- Oscar Sclhemmar - created the Bauhaus Logo.
- Herbert Matter - swatch
- A.M. cassandre
- Hans Schleger - eat greens
- Franz Ferdinand
- Peter Catala-Lets Squash Fascism
- GD or Advertising
- Think Small Campaign
- Paul Rand IBM
- Capitalist Culture
- More to life than promoting the buying and selling of products.
- Economic referances for design
- Art workers coalition and babies
- Post Punk - Peter Saville ( new order)
- Neville Broads
- Is it graphic design for the sake of being graphic design?
- If its an object of beauty? does it then become art?
- Picture of starving children - Chumbawumba
- The Coup-Part music. Controversial album cover?
- Oliviero toscani - Benetton Ad.
- Ad Busters.
Tuesday, 30 November 2010
Graphic Design A Media For The Masses, Notes
5 examples of Modernist GD
By Nekrayen and Luppili. Lenin's Young Guard,1920 and poster c1920-23 shows Lenin and Trotsky. Taken from www.tonyscanlonposters.com/russian.php?photo=453.
The reason behind me choosing this poster to represent modernist graphic design, is for two main reasons, the use of the san serifed type face and the photomontage that forms the basis of the Russian revolutionary poster.
By Walter Allner. This was one of a collection of 79 covers for Fortune magazine. Where he was art director from 1962-1974. The reason i chose this piece to represent modernism is because of the use of synthetic colours and the style of print. which shows a progressing from the earliest form of print to modern day. taken from http://30gms.com/tags/C27/P40/
This is an insurances poster created in france, during the first world war 1914. by Filippo Tommaso Marinetti. the reason for me choosing this piece is because of the time it was created soon after the industrial revolution in france. And it is an early example of type being manipulated in size and style on the piece of work, which suggest modernism.
This is a poster created at the bauhaus by Herbert Bayer, in 1926, for kandinsky's 6o th birthday exhibition. The reason for choosing this again, is based around the san serifed type face, which was created at the Bauhaus establishment. Its is a very clean image, but is representative of the style of kandinsky himself, by using type manipulation again. Something that is representative of modernist design.
This is an example of Harry Beck's london Underground map, created in 1933.That is so noticeable today. It is a prime example of modernist design. He was one of the first British designers to move away from a fine Art influence. With a definite purpose of instruction on mind. It is a very structured example of modernist design. With again letter manipulation different styles with in words. And it is for this reason i have chosen it.
Monday, 8 November 2010
Lecture Modernism And Modernity.
· Urbanisation- the city
· Modern perceived as ‘not cool’ by traditionalist of the 18th century. However pre Raphaelites changed that, and progression became accepted.
· Holman hunt (1851) .
· Are we post modern?
· Paris in the 1900 was the most modern city in the world.
· Urbanisation creates a change in life and life styles in the city, much more accessible.
· Enlightenment period in the 18th cent when science and philosophical thinking cam on leaps and bounds.
· Secularisation
· Paris on a rainy day 1877, painting the new Paris.
· Re designed Paris, large boulevards, based around transport routes, socially desirable city.
· Alienation part of modernity?
· Psychology becomes relevant perhaps due to alienation people going mad etc.
· An increasing class divide.
· Kaiser panorama 1883
· Technology-cinema.
· Modernism is the artist and designers responses to the changing world. (modern)
· Painting had to change with the invention of photography.
· Alfred Stieglitz 1903
· Paul Citroen 1903
· Photo montage becomes relevant
· George Grosz
· Anti historicism – no need to look backwards
· Truth to materials – material of the modern world.
· Form Follows function
· Internationalism a modern design should speak a common language.
· Ornament is crime- Adolf Loos.
· Truth to the materials-simple geometric forms appropriate to the material used.
· Bauhaus
· Modern design-new materials
· Mass production
· …building new york.
· Le Corbusier ideal city 1922
· Internationlism the language of desing which is global.
· Harry Beck London underground 1935
· San Serifed font.
· While people were designing hyper modern fonts, people started to look backwards and edit old serifed fonts, i.e. x new roman..
· Frakter- Nazi
· Modernity- social and cultural experience.
· Novelty and improvement
· Modernism a range of ideas and style sprung from modernity. Art and design, vocab, form follows function.
Essay Compare and Contrast Savile Lumley And Schumacher and Ettinger.
A/The choice and organisation of font and style of illustration.
B/The purpose and meaning of the image
C/The target/potential audience of the image
D/The social and historical contexts relevant to the production of the image.
The two images shown differ greatly in subject matter. The Great War image is a propaganda poster from ww1, encouraging people to sign up for the war effort. Where as the Uncle Sam image is an advertisement is for a range of cookers, one hundred years on from the American war of independence.
The Uncle Sam advertisement through out has a very nationalistic, garish approach in design, with the use of the American colours red, white and blue through out,. The stars and stripes are also apparent in the image, what this portrays is a very patriotic and gives the advert the identity of America, at the time the world super power, as a result demonstrating prosperity. This is also shown in the type used, when looking at the type used you are immediately drawn to the bold Uncle Sam Range. The typeface used here is commonly thought of to be associated with America especially in the ‘wild west’. Which is another example of the nationalistic standpoint the creators of the range are trying to show and force into the audiences mind. Uncle Sam himself being at the centre of the image is a clear indication that to buy this cooker would be buying into the lifestyle of the American dream.
The clock above the fireplace highlights another subject matter running through the piece, that of celebration of having independence. The clock shows the one hundred years that has passed since independence.1776-1876. The celebratory dinner party that is occurring in the image also shows this. Centenary hall is portrayed in the image, which was built for the one hundred year celebration and is another example of prosperity and power.
Finally with in the image there is a theme of American superiority, the menu at the centre of the image demonstrates this. As it is trying to portray that other counties have not become civilized in what they consume, as they are focusing on stereotypes (. i.e. Irish and potatoes) unlike the Americans. In the modern day this is perceived as a racist point of view.
The second image in contrast was created at the time of the Great War. A war with huge significance to the way in which the world developed. This image is based around the feeling of guilt and worthlessness if you were not to enrol into the war effort. These feelings are immediately highlighted by the texted used, with the underlining of the word you. Asking specifically what you yourself have done to help the country in its time of need? The italic almost cute typeface is meant to represent the daughter’s voice that is sitting on her father’s knee. This plays on the emotion of wanting to be the right kind of teacher to your children, and by not going to war are you doing this?
The persuasiveness that is a theme throughout the two images, however they are both demonstrated in different manners, one being war propaganda the other playing on patriotism to purchase a cooker. There is however some patriotism and national identity in the war poster with the red rose of England as the pattern of the curtain and the fleur-de-lis on the chair which is a clear indication of British royalty. National identity and royalty is also demonstrated by the boy playing with queen’s toy soldiers, again playing on the idea of guilt.
On initial viewing the images appear greatly diverse in style and meaning, there are common themes of national identity and persuasiveness.
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